
Homepage Installation Quick Start


The easy way

Download files

Download simdistribution_fat.jar and webservice.jar from here .

You need Java 6 or higher on all computers.

Start Web Services manually

Start Web Services on other computers. E.g. start a Web Service at the computer, that is reachable under the name "server" and another at "cube1". You should use new directories for the webservice.jar file.

ckl@ComsysSrv:~/SimWebService$ java -jar webservice.jar server:5050

ckl@cube1:~/SimWebService$ java -jar webservice.jar cube1:5050

Start Application

Unpack the simdistribution_fat.jar file in a new directory. This is necassary because the application needs a few swt libraries (*.so files).

unzip simdistribution_fat.jar

java -jar -Djava.library.path=. simdistribution_fat.jar

Now you can follow the instructions on Quick Start.